‘The wealth of a person becomes meaningless if it is not
distributed and utilized’
Rig Veda
……..i was surprised to hear from a Japanese lady that they
had no notion of philanthropy, and it was only after the World War II that they
got the concept from the Americans.
Jamsetji Tata …..said: ‘What advances a nation or a
community is not so much to prop up the weakest and the most helpless people
but to lift up the best and gifted so as to make them of the greatest service
to the country.’
‘The longer I live the more I am convinced that the one
thing worth living for and dying for is the privilege of making someone more
happy and more useful. No man who ever does anything to life his fellow men
ever makes a sacrifice.’
Booker T. Washington
….Leo Tolstoy: ‘Men think that there are circumstances when
they can treat their fellow being without love, but no such circumstances
exist. Inanimate objects can be dealt with without love but human beings cannot
be treated without love … If you feel no love for men – leave them alone.
Occupy yourself with things, with your own self, with anything you please, but
not with men.’
Before the wedding of Bill and Melinda Gates, Bill’s mother
Mary, who was suffering from cancer, wrote a letter to her daughter-in-law to
be. She ended with the words: ‘From those to whom much is given much is
…..Warren Buffet….. ‘I believe in the philosophy that a very
rich peson should leave his kids enough to do everything but not enough to do
Andrew ….Carnegie gave away $350,675,653. What was left was
a $30 million which he wrote away in his will. This was less than one-tenth of
his fortune – which means he had managed, before his death, to dispose of most
of his fortune.
‘The power of money is to give it away.’
N.R. Narayana Murthy
…Jamsetji Tata …..At his memorial meeting Sir Lawrence
Jenkins, chief justice of Bombay, said: ‘Wealth came to him in full measure,
but he remained to the last what he was by nature, a simple, modest gentleman,
seeking neither title nor place, and loving with a love that knew no bounds the
country that gave him birth.’
‘No person was ever honoured for what he received. Honour
has been the reward for what he gave.’
Calvin Coolidge
‘Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege’
John D. Rockefeller Jr
‘No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.’
‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what
we give.’
Winston Churchill
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