Friday, September 14, 2007

Thoughts for a Rainy Day

Row mein hai raks oer umar
Kahaam deykheeye thamen,
Na haath baagh par hai
Na pa nakaali mein

(My life runs at a galloping pace
who knows where it will come to a stop)
The reins are not in my hands
My feet are not in the stirrups)

- Mirza Ghalib

Nishaan-e-mard-e-Momin ba too goyam?
Choon marg aayad, tabassum bar lab-e-ost

(You ask me for the signs of a man of faith?
When death comes to him
He has a smile on his lips.)

- Allama Iqbal

From compromise and things half done
Keep me with stern and stubborn pride
And when at last the fight is won,
God, keep me still unsatisfied

- Louis Untermeyer’s ‘Prayer’

‘For all that has been – Thanks! To all that shall be – Yes!’ : Dag Hammarskjold

I divide mankind into 3 classes, the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen and the overwhelming majority who have no idea of what happens

- Nicholas M. Butler

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education - Mark Twain


Daddy's Girl said...

Wise and beautiful words... thanks for sharing them.

Nirvana said...

Thanks Daddy's girl for leaving your footprint on my blog. Hope to see your tracks again