Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I must say that i am pretty much heartened by the fact that my first baby steps in blogging have been supported by about 4 hits worldwide in about 9 days.

Now what would make a guy/gal roughly north of New York, somewhere in Slovenia (or Austria), in Mumbai and in the Macau / Hongkong area, trip on my blogsite is something that makes me wonder. So to all of my nameless / faceless co-spiders trawling on the Web, I must offer my profoundest thanks.

I'd probably give my right arm for a meaningful comment on any of my blogs though.

One lives on hope........................


Alan said...

Not sure how meaningful this is, but welcome to blog world. (You can keep your right arm.) I found your blog via a technorati search on links to my blog (thanks).

Anonymous said...

Hm, well, I don't know how meaningful this comment is, but I can tell you why you're getting hits from the Hong Kong/Macao area. I'm currently residing in Macao and I found you the same way Alan did, by a technorati search for links to my blog, Good Golly, Mis Bolly. Thanks for the link! I wish you luck during your foray into the land of the blogs.

Nirvana said...

Hey Alan and Miss Bolly,

Havent seen u in quite some time now. Do drop in.

Warm Regards


gauri tiwari said...

nirvana, I love to read your blog every day, most of all your movie reviews. I just posted a comment on junoon. BTW, I am an Indian in Iowa.

Nirvana said...

Thanks Gauri,for your encouragement.

Do keep posting your comments now that you have made a start :)

