Monday, June 12, 2017

From ‘SRK and Global Bollywood’ - editors Rajinder Dudrah, Ele Mader, Bernhard Fuchs

In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland ….SRK fans are mostly local women from a wide range of professional, educational, and economic fields. Furthermore, SRK fans in these countries include many people with a migratory background from eastern Europe, Turkey, the Middle East, and South Asia …….In France and Belgium, a large number of SRK fans have a (north) African background……

…Trinidad and Tobago …… Since their introduction in the 1930s, Hindi films have enjoyed great popularity in the multicultural Caribbean island state and have become an integral part of its mediascapes….

Peruvian Bollywood fandom today has been mainly inspired by SRK…….First diplomatic relations between India and Peru were established in 1963, but in 2009 the Indian community in this country amounted merely to 150 families. Nevertheless, the history of Indian fil-viewing as well as the popularity of Indian songs and dances date back to the late 1970s. at this time, the circulation of Hindi cinema in Latin America and the Caribbean had been influenced by cultural exchange among partners of the Non-Aligned Movement …..

….K3G enjoyed groundbreaking success with Peruvian film audiences …….. The movie presents the very first experience of Indian cinema for many of the younger fans. To this day, it has remained their all-time favourite. DVD copies with Spanish subtitles of varied quality were rapidly distributed in the black market.

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